Marc Deschenaux - Chi è chi legale

Marc Deschenaux

Who's Who Legal: Capital Markets - Debt & Equity


Deschenaux, Barber & Partners LLP
Rue François Bonivard, 10, 6° piano, 1201, Ginevra, Svizzera
Tel: +41 78 924 9594

Marc Deschenaux is a Swiss jurist (non-bar lawyer) and a world-renowned expert in high finance. He divides his time between Geneva, New York and Los Angeles.

La sua esperienza copre il diritto dei contratti; finanziamento aziendale e governativo internazionale e sindacazione bancaria; diritto internazionale societario e non profit; proprietà intellettuale globale; e cartolarizzazione.

È considerato a livello internazionale l'esperto mondiale di offerte pubbliche iniziali e un punto di riferimento in diritto mobiliare, finanziario e commerciale.

In his financing practice, he is highly reputed worldwide as an international financier, known for his state-of-the-art structures which have resulted in 179 successful IPOs and 243 private offerings – around two-thirds of these in private equity, and one-third in private debt.

Marc Deschenaux was registered as a general securities representative (series 7) and general securities principal (series 24) by the North American Securities Dealers Association. He was also a member of the National Investment Banking Association.

Ha inoltre finanziato operazioni di vario genere, da operazioni di import/export a fondi comuni di investimento immobiliare; e ha organizzato diversi prestiti governativi, nonché la prima cancellazione del debito nazionale nella storia.

He has been the treasurer, and a judge-mediator, at the International Court of Mediation and Arbitration (CIMEDA) from 2012 to 2020. He is now an Ambassador of the African Court of Mediation and Arbitration (CAMAR).

Marc Deschenaux is a PhD candidate in law at the University of Geneva, where he also has a master’s degree in economic law and is certified in transnational law. He achieved certification on the “Leading with Finance” course at Harvard Business School.

Parla correntemente francese, inglese, italiano, tedesco e spagnolo. Il suo cinese è in corso.

WWL says: Marc Deschenaux is considered “absolutely brilliant” and “the best of the best” thanks to his “strategic technical expertise” and “unique skill set that is extremely challenging to find among competition”.