Titoli di proprietà intellettuale
Imagine the possibility of investing selectively in one movie, one technology, one song, one book, one patent or one design you truly believe in. Imagine getting rid of most of the dark side human factor, like poor management or excessive spending… would not it be great ?
Enters my invention: Intellectual Property Securities or “IPS” !
Not only do they allow to invest selectively in one project, but they do it without diluting equity not adding debt to the balance sheet of the issuer, whether a physical person or a company. Moreover they reduce the costs of transfer of intellectual property to a fraction of their regular costs. Furthermore, IPS ensure that if You transfer a certain technology, all patents, trademarks and other relevant intellectual properties thereto pertaining are included in said transfer. No bad surprise after purchase! Finally, under many jurisdictions, as IPS allow the investor to invest directly into science through patents or into arts through copyrights, authoring and neighbouring rights, investment is tax free !