Icebreaking Method to Learn a New Language

It is always difficult to begin learning a new language. The term used by the specialists is clear: they refer to it as language barriers.

Normally, 300 hours of study are necessary to break through language barriers.
Thank to this ‘Keywords’ method, the same result is easily reached within less than a day.

As all language teaching methods aim at teaching right and precisely from the start, after several weeks or months of study, one can hold a basic conversation but has difficulties in expressing their ideas or emotions.

This arises from the fact that all these methods make several fundamental mistakes in matter of efficiency to break through language barriers.

  1. They teach first the objects, concrete thingss and basic conjugation.
  2. They correct all mistakes immediately.
  3. Practice and pronunciation of words are immediately integrated.
  4. Their process being slow, rigourous and precise, it discourages quickly.
  5. You have no mean to measure your progress. Proof of it is that when one talks about necessary time to learn a language, one counts in years or in months ! This phenomenon adds to chaos, because people tend not to accomplish lasting efforts especially when there is a total absence of marker.
  6. They spend a long time in teaching conjugation.
  7. The different types of human memory are treated in a uniform manner.

The 11 Principles of the 'Keywords' Method


  1. Breaking the language barriers is knowing the vocabulary. Breaking the language barriers is Understanding and Being Understood. NOTHING MORE ! This will make you able to manage. At least, you will not be discouraged before making it.

    Now, a Language is 800 words.

    The daily conversation of a businessman does not exceed 400 words

    And 800 words equal to 20 words per day for 40 days OR 40 words per day for 20 days !!!

    And memorizing 1 word does not take more than a minute.

  2. Abstract things are more difficult to express than concrete things.
    If one ignores the word “hit “ one can always make moves, but if one ignores words like “want“ or “can“, it is difficult to illustrate them. That is why the ‘Keywords’ method focuses on abstract words.
  3. Learn the verbs first, not the conjugaison, only the verbs.
    To apply the previous principle begin by abstract verbs.
  4. When one refers to an object, within 40 % of cases, it is under our eyes. This means one can always say “this” or “that” when one does not the word. Alternatively and more slowly one can draw the object.
  5. In other cases, one needs or fears.
    Now human needs and fears are much more narrow than one imagines.
  6. PARETO principle applies to language too.
    The PARETO principle applied to language says only 20% of words are needed to express 80% of ideas. Yet it is necessary to select the words carefully. That is what I have done for you.
  7. Grammar and Conjugation are of little utility to break the language barriers.
    Many purists will chafe, but it is true. To convince you of thereof, an immigrant who would tell you “me be hungry“ does not speak correctly, but you would understand him. To break the language barriers, that is all you need.
  8. The mistakes can be corrected by practice.
    All you need is to refuse to live with it and to ASK YOUR INTERLOCUTORS TO CORRECT YOU systematically, EVEN IF ALL LOSE TIME.
  9. The different types of human memory are treated in a specific manner.
    It is scientifically proven that there are different types of human memory, mainly visual, auditive and kinesthestic (of the moves of the body). Each has his mnemotechnical process to memorize. The ‘Keywords’ method can be adapted to each type of memory.
  10. The progression is very precisely measured in numbers or percentage.
    As you know exactly how many words you need to learn and how many you have already learned, you can compute daily your progression in numbers and in percentage.

……….. but then it is much easier and nicer to learn a new language.

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