Kontrollierter Fehler

Erfolg – kontrollierter Misserfolg

I. A Strategic Masterstroke in Equity Financing In the ever-evolving sphere of financial markets, every so often, there emerges a pioneering concept that disrupts traditional thinking and revolutionizes the art of deal-making. One such avant-garde notion is that of “Controlled Failure” – a brainchild of mine. This strategy daringly veers off the beaten path of … Weiterlesen

Welche Rolle spielt der REGISTER bei einem Börsengang und welche Dienstleistungen erbringt er?

In an IPO, the Registrar plays an important role as a key intermediary between the company going public and its investors. Here are some of the key services provided by a Registrar during an IPO: Investor Verification: The Registrar verifies the credentials of investors to ensure that they meet the eligibility criteria set by the … Weiterlesen

IPO-Herausforderungen, Fallstricke und Minderung

The IPO process can be complex and challenging for companies, and there are several pitfalls that can arise along the way. Here are some common challenges and pitfalls that companies can encounter during the IPO process, and some ways to mitigate them: Market Volatility: Market volatility can have a significant impact on the success of … Weiterlesen

Wie hoch sind die Risiken eines Börsengangs im Vergleich zu anderen Finanzierungsformen wie Private Equity oder Fremdfinanzierung?

The risks associated with an IPO can be different from those associated with other forms of financing, such as private equity or debt financing. One of the key risks associated with an IPO is market risk. The price of the shares issued in an IPO is determined by market demand and can fluctuate based on … Weiterlesen

Wie können sich Unternehmen auf die laufenden Berichts- und Offenlegungspflichten nach einem Börsengang vorbereiten, und was sind die wichtigsten Anforderungen, um die Einhaltung der Wertpapiergesetze aufrechtzuerhalten?

Companies can prepare for ongoing reporting and disclosure requirements after an initial public offering (IPO) by implementing effective corporate governance practices, developing strong internal controls, and investing in robust financial reporting systems. In addition, they can engage experienced legal and accounting professionals to ensure compliance with securities laws. Key requirements for maintaining compliance with securities … Weiterlesen

Wie wird die Sperrfrist festgelegt und welche Auswirkungen hat die Sperrfrist für Investoren und das Unternehmen?

The lock-up period is determined by the underwriters of the Initial Public Offering (IPO) and is agreed upon between the underwriters and the company. The lock-up period is typically 180 days, although it can vary depending on the size and nature of the IPO. During the lock-up period, certain shareholders, such as company insiders and … Weiterlesen

Wie läuft die Stabilisierung des Aktienkurses bei einem Börsengang ab, und welche Regeln und Beschränkungen gelten für Stabilisierungsaktivitäten?

Stabilizing the price of shares in an initial public offering (IPO) is the process of supporting the share price in the secondary market during the first few days or weeks after the IPO has been launched. The objective of stabilization is to reduce the volatility of the share price and prevent it from falling below … Weiterlesen


What is the role of the syndicate in an IPO, and how are the roles and responsibilities of the lead underwriter and other underwriters determined? The syndicate is a group of underwriters who work together to underwrite an IPO. The syndicate is usually headed by a lead underwriter (also known as the bookrunner), who is … Weiterlesen