tono de libroTM

BookTone™: El innovador antepasado de Revolucionando las reservas hoteleras El invento que allanó el camino para las reservas en línea modernas Antes de la era de los hoteles en línea

Precio incremental para acelerar y estabilizar rondas de financiación de capital privado

índice de precios incrementales

The Funding Rounds Method In the old days, up until 1995, there was only the funding rounds method. Here is how it went: each time we needed to distribute a securities issue we were fixing a price according to the current state and valuation of the company who was the issuer. The main problems with … Leer más

Valores de Propiedad Intelectual

Valores de Propiedad Intelectual - IPS

We can legitimately wonder whether the traditional securities are sufficient to answering the modern investor’s needs, Are not you fed up to invest in basket of securities or in large fortune 500 companies that are baskets of subsidiaries ? Upto now, securitizing intellectual property only meant using it as collateral like David Pullman the banker … Leer más

Cascada de salida a bolsa

An IPO Cascade (Initial Public Offerings Cascade) is created by the fact that an issuer of equity stock, unable to finance its own IPO, commits to use a portion of its proceeds in case of success of its own IPO, to finance one or more issuers in the same situation. Thereby, a domino effect is … Leer más

IPO Cascada de Corporaciones Perpetuas

The combined characteristics of creating a Cascade Program focused exclusively on launching Perpetual Corporations results in a level of stability, continuity and perenniality that provides an overwhelming competitive advantage. Enshrining the perpetual nature of the issuing corporations, in the bylaws and shareholder agreements, protects the capital structure from potential future corporate raiders. It also ensures … Leer más


A MasterSPAC is a Special Purpose Acquisition Company that acquires a target by financing its Initial Public Offering as described in this WhosWho article. This acquisition mode enables to restore the IPO value creation lost through the normal acquisition or merger in a normal SPAC. It has several other advantages that are described hereunder.

Punto de música

CD World Corporation’s Pioneering Business Model from 1995-2000A Blast from the Past The Revolutionary Music Point™ and Music Bank™ Systems that changed the Music Industry In the late 1990s, when the music industry was experiencing a shift from physical formats to digital platforms, CD World Corporation emerged as a game-changer with its unique business model that combined … Leer más

Corporación perpetua

In this time of crisis, we systematically wonder about its causes, which are many. These include the low margins of the companies arising from laws promoting competition. The thin margin creates a lack of reserves, therefore a privilege of short-term over the long term. The reasoning is simple: there is no reason to think long … Leer más

Financiamiento de transacciones

Problem – Corporate Situation A corporation needs equity financing and has sufficient time to make its Initial Public Offering,but, it does not have enough capital to pay for the expenses necessary to setup and organize said IPO, which include: Legal advice, accounting, audit, financial public relations, advertising, medias, press, infographics, roadshows, hotels and representation etc… … Leer más


Securitization is a financial process whereby an asset or group of assets is transformed into a security. The security can then be sold to investors as a means of raising capital. Traditional securitization involves the use of a legal entity, such as a special purpose vehicle (SPV), to issue securities backed by assets. However, a … Leer más