Cascading Initial Public Offerings An application of The Theory of Wagons

Problematic: It is often difficult to raise the budget of an IPO (Initial Public Offering). Moreover, there is a widely held wrong belief that an IPO is only possible after a company has validated its business model, has “traction”, has an order book. Solution As discussed in my previous article“Is your company ready for an … Ler mais

A Área de Especialização

After the overview of the definitions of Expert and Expertise, let us approach that of the Domain of Expertise. But before entering into the content of this definition, let us examine the logical context in which it is found. First of all, it should be noted that outside of his Area of Expertise, the Expert … Ler mais

Lançamento da Federação Mundial de Especialistas Internacionais Especialistas sem Fronteiras

Especialistas Sem Fronteiras

Press release For immediate releaseThe authorities and the courts are facing more and more complex issues, leading to an increased risk of error. In several recent cases, because of the lack of a competent Expert, serious injustices have been committed. The Federation of Experts Without Borders was created in Geneva to fill this void. Outside … Ler mais