Tempo SPAC

This SPAC’s theme is the Weather Industry. Today it is possible to make rain anywhere needed, without chemical products. Tomorrow this industry will be able to fight hail, to stop tornadoes and to push cyclones away from cities and cumulonimbus far from airports. Several companies in this industry already have proven technologies despite being startups, … Ler mais


Este SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation – concentra-se em todos os tipos de abastecimento de água, desde potável até aplicações industriais. Visite o site

Wall Street SPAC

a Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- intends to expand Wall Street internationalisation both businesswise and culturally, to create merchandising thereto pertaining, to found a Wall Street museum and to acquire a news agency to be rebranded Wall Street News. Visit Website

Informações do visitante SPAC

This SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- is intended to acquire a portfolio of companies providing visitor information around the world, to guide travelers to great experiences. Visit Website


This SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- is intended to develop foreign investments in Vietnam in the sectors of infrastructures, telecommunications, hotels and energy. It will also assist in exporting Vietnamese goods and services worldwide. Visit Website

ESPAÇO Turismo

This SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- is intended to acquire a portfolio of companies in the field of tourism who provide alternative spectacular ways of lodging or transportation such as underwater hotels, airships, submarine tours and many more. to consolidate them in extraordinary holidays and party packages. Visit Website

Tokens SPAC

This SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- is intended to acquire a portfolio of tokens companies and to assembly them into a large multinational company. Visit Website

Tecnologia SPAC

This SPAC – Special Purpose Acquisition Corporation- is structured as a MasterSPAC in order to capture the difference of valuations between private and public equities markets in the technological sector. Visit Website

SPAC Suíço

Swiss inventions in technologies have always been at the leading edge of research. Due to the lack of risk capital in Switzerland these technologies are often transferred to other countries or unprotected. This SPAC aims at giving Swiss Polytechnical Schools of Lausanne and Zurich and other Swiss Universities startups the financial means to bring their … Ler mais